CYOUB(pronounced like cube ) is a conductor of thoughts and answers. If you wish, it can also be a catalyst for expansive thinking—broadening the way you consider things to provide new perspectives.
Where did it come from? It’s a gift, from my creative spirit to yours, with deep gratitude for the fierce power of imagination.
Hold the cYOUb in your hand for a moment, ask what you’d like to know or explore, then cast the cYOUb onto a flat surface. The letter you see provides the initial clue:
A for Act; W for Wait; S for Speak; Q for Quiet;
Y for Yes; N for No.
You can contemplate the simple interpretation or explore other possible meanings—some of which are provided for you.
It’s important to ponder what the initial clue means to you. Your mind and body serve as your personal reference library. When you consult it and use tools or methods to help you access divine intelligence, you can receive the guidance you seek.
What if you ask a question, but the initial clue doesn’t match? For example, let’s say you ask, “What should I do about my relationship with Fuzzy?,” and the initial clue is Y—for Yes. Consider the next layer of the question. What are you considering doing? Think about how the initial clue relates to what you’re asking.